Money Feels
Money Feels is the new alternative to the personal finance community. We're here to drop the shame, guilt, and judgement so you can learn how to heal your relationship with money alongside your internet besties, hosts, and unfiltered experts — Bridget and Alyssa
Money Feels
27: MLMs and Your Money
Bridget Casey and Alyssa Davies
Season 3
Episode 27
We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance. We've now launched our Patreon! Subscribe for bonus episodes and extra content from your hosts.
In today's episode, we discuss the following:
- What are MLMs, and what do they look like?
- Our experiences with MLMs
- Distribution structures (upline/downline)
- Their recruitment methods
- How much money do people actually make in MLMs?
- Red flags you’ll notice
- The cultish-ness about MLMs and the language they use
- What about financial MLMs?
- Management Expense Ratios (MER) and mutual funds
Resources mentioned:
Thank you for listening to today's episode! Join us next week for a new one. Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time!