Money Feels

76: Making Money a Tool for Justice

Bridget Casey and Alyssa Davies Season 7 Episode 76

Money controls so much of our lives, but what if we could take some of that power back? Financial activism isn’t just for the ultra-wealthy or policymakers. It’s something all of us can engage in, whether it’s where we bank, how we invest, or what we spend our money on. The financial system wants us to feel like we don’t have a choice, but we actually have more power than we think.

We're your hosts, Alyssa and Bridget. Welcome to the podcast, where we talk through our money trauma and create a better understanding of building a healthy relationship with finance.

Today, we’re joined by Jasmine Rashid, financial activist and author of The Financial Activist Playbook. Jasmine’s work focuses on shifting money away from extractive industries, like private prisons and fossil fuels, and toward systems that actually benefit people and communities. She’s here to break down what financial activism really looks like, why we need to move from an extractive to a regenerative economy, and how we can all take meaningful action, no matter where we are in our financial journey.

In today’s episode, we discuss the following:

  • Why financial activism isn’t just for the wealthy (or finance bros)
  • How the financial system keeps us feeling powerless—and how to push back
  • The difference between an extractive and regenerative economy
  • How to make sure your money isn’t funding things you don’t believe in
  • The five-part pattern of financial activism and how to take action today

📖 The Financial Activist Playbook by Jasmine Rashid

Thanks for listening to our first episode of a new season! If you want bonus episodes and more, you can join our Patreon! Until then, follow us on Instagram @mixedupmoney, @bridgiecasey and @moneyfeelspodcast, and we’ll see you next time! 

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